Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Girlies

LaLa turned 3 a few weeks ago, so it was time for pictures! I haven't gotten a good one of them all together, so I worked really hard to get one. :) They were being hilarious and I'm glad I got some good ones!
They are all so cute and so different. It's hard to imagine life without them.
Goofy Sadie- couldn't get her to not be silly. She has this smile in most of the pictures that day.
And miss Lala was just as silly, but I managed to get some cute ones.
Olivia was doing really good. I took a bunch and they were making me laugh so hard. I tried to get just a smiling one, but it wasn't until the last couple that I got her not making a funny face.

1 comment:

LoraAnn said...

Your girls are BEAUTIFUL!! Great pictures!